Displaced Geek

Just a city geek and father coming to terms with being replanted in farm country

About Me

I’m a city-loving but country-dwelling husband, father, and Undiscovered IT Guru stranded in a world of corn, and well, more corn.

As I come to terms with my indefinite rural existence, I’m discovering the joys of gardening, although I’d still prefer to be doing it on a small rooftop plot in a city.

I have a particular affinity for hot peppers, heirloom tomatoes, and to some extent self-sustainable farming.

Anything else you want to know, you can learn by asking, or by drawing (potentially harmful and incorrect) inferences from the following excerpt of outdated information recently unearthed on an old hard drive and originally collected in an online quiz I took circa 1999.

Favorite Movie: Lola Rennt
Favorite Actress: Kelly LeBrock and Joey Lauren Adams - in that order
Pet Peeves: Flawed logic, hypocrisy, and narrow mindedness top the list
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite City: My favorite city is New York, but if you say anything bad about Philly, I'll kick your ass
Favorite Cartoon: Wile E. Coyote and Marvin the Martian

Wow. Just… wow.

Oh, and for the record, as of 01/2013, “Peter is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com.”

Hopefully that’ll satisfy the lawyers, so I can get my 50cents if I ever decide to endorse something.

Written by Peter

June 10, 2011 at 1709