Displaced Geek

Just a city geek and father coming to terms with being replanted in farm country

Posts Tagged ‘seeds

It’s Never To Early…

Believe it or not, if you haven’t started planning out your 2013 garden yet, you’re already behind. But don’t worry, there’s plenty of time to catch up, but in order to do that, you’re going to have to get started. Luckily, the internet is here to help you.

The nice folks over at Tomorrow’s Garden have compiled a list of links to pages where you can order yourself some seed catalogs to get started!

Stay tuned for my new plan to grow slightly biointensively this year!

Written by Peter

January 6, 2013 at 1051

Posted in Gardening

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Just a Quick Garden Update

With all the beer nonsense going on lately, you may have thought that our garden was getting the short end of the stick. You’d be wrong.

It’s just that after the seeds have been planted, there’s very little to do for a few weeks.

Well a few weeks have passed, and now there’s work to be done again. Believe it or not, pretty much everything we grow should be started by now, and our peas, carrots, and spinach should already be in the ground. (Don’t believe me?) There are a few things that I deliberately do “wrong”, and starting the squash indoors early is one of them. I start my squash when I start my tomatoes and peppers, so that they’re bigger when we transplant them and give away the extras come mother’s day. Unfortunately, that means that from late February through the middle of May, traditionally the end of the coldest part of our year, I’m trying to find space for over a hundred seedlings. Fun!

The other day I transplanted the squash out of their single thirty six cell flat, and into individual 4″ pots. Through careful selection, and judicious root separating, I went from twenty eight cells with viable seedlings, to forty one pots with seedlings that have room to grow. Considering it would be difficult for us too realistically fit any more than ten plants in the space we have allotted for squash, it looks like I’ll be giving away a lot.

Tomatoes and peppers grow MUCH slower than squash, which is why they’re actually supposed to be started so early. as a result, that seventy two cell flat that’s holding them will do for quite a while.

Written by Peter

March 19, 2012 at 1611

Posted in Gardening

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