Displaced Geek

Just a city geek and father coming to terms with being replanted in farm country

Archive for the ‘farm country’ Category

Mental Health Break

She’s back.
We just had our first positive sighting of the season. Last week there were rumors, but until today some of the younger recruits still thought she might not come back & that we had beaten her for good – I knew better.
Thankfully, it looks like this was just a recon mission. She got scared off too easily for it to have been a planned raid. I think she was simply checking to see if we were ready for her. Clearly she doesn’t understand, I’m always ready for her.

Command has seen fit to pair me with the youngest draftee we have available, callsign Smurf. I’m not sure if it was some paper pusher’s idea of a joke or not, but either way sending a genuine green recruit to the front lines for her first tour is just cruel. Then again, life is cruel, & she’ll be a better soldier for it – if she survives.

Smurf & I have instituted hourly patrols. Eager to show off, she wanted to take the first one & against my better judgment I let her. Armed only with a single tonfa, her head constantly on a swivel, she marched out confidently to check on our impromptu defenses and make our presence known while I watched from the relative safety of the barracks. She’s young, but she shows promise. I only wish she understood just how ruthless our enemy can be.

Oh well, she’ll learn soon enough.

They always do.

Big Daddy

Written by Peter

May 23, 2013 at 855

Phase Six – Paint

With fewer hands on deck, and the 10-12hour days piling up, the picture taking has mostly fallen on Gabriella, which means lots of artsy low-angle shots, but little of any substance.  Here are the only images with quantitative substance from the other day.

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Oh yeah, and while I’m planning on doing a post on the few tools I seriously cannot oversell because they’re incredible another time, I’ll just leave this here for you for now:

And if you’re curious, she’s using this: Seymour AUA2 Adjustable Auger Wood Handle, Blue

There’s still more to come…

Written by Peter

April 29, 2013 at 1700

Isla Nublar Phase Five

More pictures, yay!(?)

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Not done yet…

Written by Peter

April 27, 2013 at 1700

Isla Nublar Renamed?

If you’ve been following this recent flurry of posts, then you already know what’s going on. But I’ll catch you up anyway.

We’re converting a significant portion of (previously unused) backyard into a chicken run, and building a coop to go in it. However, as many DIY projects tend to do, it expanded significantly from what I expected during the planning stages. This is because we’re planning on defending the chickens from the hawks that live on our property, their eggs from the raccoons, foxes, opossums, etc, and the adjoining garden from The Groundhog & other garden pests.

Thus far I’ve been referring to the project as Isla Nublar, because it was mentioned to me that my fence design was more appropriate for housing raptors than chickens. (I did use the USACE bridge footing guidelines as a starting point in my design, but if you’re gonna do something, you might as well do it right, right?)

But since I was toying with the thought of making a ranch-style sign, and (Spoiler Alert?) they got off the island, I figured I ought to at least solicit some alternatives. I jotted down what came to mind, but feel free to be creative, and suggest something new!
And also remember that this is really Emma‘s project, so while the sign’s getting made, it may never be publicly displayed.

Written by Peter

April 23, 2013 at 1500

Isla Nublar Phase Four

We drafted some help over the weekend. My parents came out to watch Gabriella, & lend a hand or two. There is a distinct lack of roofing installation photos, because we threw up the first 3 panels early on before they got out, and the fourth was put up by moonlight. Which is a new trend we’re developing.

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To Be Continued…

Written by Peter

April 22, 2013 at 1700